Friday, March 13, 2009

Jacksonville Business Journal

Today I was featured in the Jacksonville Business Journal, Startup Snapshot section. I received alot of positive feed back from family, friends and colleagues. I hope that by sharing my experiences with other business owners, I was able to help someone through their journey.

Community Connections

Today I had the opportunity to decorate a room for a special young lady at Community Connections. The maintenance guys painted the room for me prior to my arrival. I had several things I brought from home to put in the room and a few things I purchased (all the bedding had to be new). As you can see I love Asian accents and contemporary styles.

While I was decorating , the young lady that was getting the room came by. She was very appreciative and thanked me for fixing up the room. It was a very humbling experience, especially during these times knowing that your life could be turned upside down at any minute
if you lost your main source of income. This was just a small gesture to make their new environment feel like "home". If you or someone you know has things at home that you can donate to Community Connections, please Adopt-a-Room!