Thursday, March 18, 2010

Entrepreneurs: What image does your company's logo convey?
If you asked 10 people that know you to describe your logo,
would everyone say the same thing?

A good logo symbolizes your company's identity. If done right,
it will add value and credibility to your company and ultimately
establish brand recognition.

Remember, when you present your company as professional & quality,
you will attract professional & quality clients.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Women in Business Panel

Today, Felicia Wright, CBO of Mygani Design Studio, had the privilege to be one of the panelists at the 2nd Annual Women in Business Panel (UNF). The following topics were discussed with a group of aspiring students:
  • Career Paths: How did they arrive at their current positions? 
  • Did you have a mentor?
  • The importance of continuing education- MBA? Professional Certifications?
  • Strategies for battling gender bias and succeeding
  • Trends in the field each panelist represents

As an UNF alumni it was great to go back  and see all the great things the school has to offer the students.  The school has grown tremendously,  since I was there in ???? 
I wish all the students continued success in their future endeavours.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

UPDATE on Personal Branding Workshop

We are in the process of re-scheduling our next workshop.
If you are interested in attending, please email or call (904) 860.8440
to be put on the list. 

thank you!